Handrail fittings are components that are attached to handrail to allow the handrail to start at the bottom of the stairway in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, make transitions in the handrail height or pitch or sit upon the top of over the post newels. Handrail fittings are profiled to match the profile of the handrail and some fittings may also be used in post to post applications. L.J. Smith’s unique line of Conect-A-Kit fittings provide tremendous flexibility in the number of installation applications obtainable with each fitting. Aside from their common applications, seven of these fittings, used in combination, will make up 26 different gooseneck fittings. Conect-A-Kit fittings also feature a base with machined pockets and a removable top (or bottom) for easy installation. All assembly hardware is concealed within the base of each fitting.